Album: Non-Player Character (NPC) Gallery
Learn who our key NPCs are by looking here. We distinguish our NPCs by both the person who plays them, and by costuming and makeup.
Date: 05/14/2002
Size: 9 items
Views: 24681
Album: May 2001, Baycon Convention
We had a great time at Baycon and met some neat new people. We had a couple of morning slots in the arena area, and people joined us to do some boffer fights and learn about the game.
Date: 05/15/2002
Size: 33 items
Views: 41582
Album: Two-Day Event, May 2001
This was our last big event at Camp Lindblad, so it was the last time we saw the City of Irongate. It was a great time!
Date: 05/15/2002
Size: 77 items
Views: 74502
Album: Polycon Convention, June 2001
We went down to Cal Poly to join in on the Polycon convention and ran some mini-mods for the folks, who all seemed to have a good time.
Date: 05/15/2002
Size: 56 items
Views: 60064
Album: August 2001, NERO West visits Anilar (Colorado)
Road trip! A bunch of NERO West players packed up and visited one of the Colorado chapters.
Date: 05/15/2002
Size: 43 items
Views: 48480
Album: September 2001, Ren Faire
Some Nerotics at the Ren Faire having a good time.
Date: 05/15/2002
Size: 20 items
Views: 31010
Album: Two-Day Event, October 2001
The Occupation of Mandrake's Landing. Our first event at Camp Cutter, hilighted by the dreaded Spider Lair. Alas, we didn't get any good pics of the lair or the spiders. We were too busy avoiding the beasts!
Date: 05/16/2002
Size: 21 items
Views: 38127
Album: Two-Day Event, November 2001
Wow, was this a wet event. You can see the lens of the camera fogged up! Still, people managed to have a good time in the rain and despite of it!
Date: 05/16/2002
Size: 44 items
Views: 55603
Album: Belgatos Faire Day, September 2001
A few shots of a typically sunny and fun Belgatos faire day.
Date: 05/16/2002
Size: 7 items
Views: 18252